Fiche cheval fortune happiness

R6C2plathandicap 41089happy valley1000M94091stubbs handicap12 partantsdépart à 11:15
18sunny and goldH60p4p2p7p4pteetan k/100:57
23treasure of fieldH50p2p9p0p9phamelin a/11 l 1/2
312vectorH62p3p7p0p8pborges v/11 l 1/4
42shanghai powerH62p6p(21)0p2pmoreira j/11 l 1/4
57m m johnnyH6(21)7p7p0p5pleung k c/13/4 l
610e honeyH58p6p4p2pcurrie l/1encolure
711viva chefH68p0p7p0p7pmo h t/1nez
84day day richH62p(21)2p7p4pbadel a/1tete
95carry the diamondH63p6p8p(21)4ppurton z/1cte tete
109tronic mightyH58p8p6p9pmaia r/11/2 l
111euromissileH57p7p2p0p0ppoon m f/11 l
126fortune happinessH87p0p5p0p4pbentley h/13/4 l

R6C2plathandicap 42472sha tin (hong kong)1200M91081lau fau shan handicap12 partantsdépart à 11:15
11touch faithH50p9p9p9p7pcurie l/101:09
28general trumpH7(21)6p0p2p3pchau c l/1nez
35telecom missileH61p0p7p(21)2pshinn b/1tete
43boys partyH59p9p4p9pteetan k/11 l 1/4
52aca powerH68p0p0p(21)0ppoon m f/1encolure
612winning strikesH68p3p0p4pchadwick m/11 l
74fortune happinessH80p5p0p4pmaia r/1encolure
87tronic mightyH58p6p9p(21)0ppurton z/11 l 3/4
96regency gemH85p4p(21)0p9pmoreira j/11 l 1/4
1010ever joyH58p0p8p(21)9pborges v/11/2 l
1111golden missionH76p1p2p(21)3pleung k c/15 l 1/2
129master of funH50p0p(21)8p0phamelin a/111 l

R6C4plathandicap 44267sha tin (hong kong)1200M91081clear water bay handicap12 partantsdépart à 12:45
110masterworkH62p4p(21)0p5pho c.y./101:09
22wisdom patchH73p7p4p(21)0ppurton z./11/2 l
312winning strikesH60p4p(21)3pTpyeung m.l./13/4 l
48star of redH5(21)0p6p0p7pmoor d./1cte tete
59regency gemH84p(21)0p9p8pteetan k./11/2 l
611golden missionH71p2p(21)3p3pchadwick m./11 l 1/2
74jade theatreH90p0p(21)7p4pleung k.c./1cte tete
83beauty cheersH63p0p4p(21)0pbadel a./13/4 l
95treasure of fieldH50p9p(21)3p6phamelin a./11 l
101chikoritaH7(21)9p0p0p0pshinn b./13 l
116fortune happinessH85p0p4p(21)5pmoreira j./1encolure
127aquilaH76p0p6p(21)9pv. borges/12 l

R2C5plathandicap 46747happy valley1200M113963penfold park handicap - sec 312 partantsdépart à 12:45
110lorizH73p(21)5p7p0phamelin a./101:10
29joyful geniusH56p3p(21)3p5ppurton z./13/4 l
31xponentialH74p(21)2p2p2pchau c.l./1tete
45blissful starH5(21)3p4pyeung m.l./1encolure
58wins allH70p(21)5p2p4pbentley h./11/2 l
64sugar sugarH48pferraris l./1encolure
711my intelligentH55p6p(21)6p0pbadel a./13/4 l
87shadow runnerH61p2p(21)4p5pteetan k./1encolure
92captain longH53p(21)5pleung k.c./11 l 1/2
106handsome veggieH50p(21)9pmoor d./1nez
1112fortune happinessH84p(21)5p5p7plai h.w./1cte tete
123fortune marboH40pwong c./14 l 1/2

R2C5plathandicap 47751happy valley1200M113963green island handicap - sec 212 partantsdépart à 12:45
111shadow runnerH62p(21)4p5p0pteetan k/101:09
22lucky archangelH5(21)1p7p3p6pbentley h/1encolure
310lorizH7(21)5p7p0p9phamelin a/11/2 l
412fortune happinessH8(21)5p5p7p6pyeung m l/11/2 l
59my intelligentH56p(21)6p0p7ppoon m f/11/2 l
63herculesH76p(21)2p6p0pbadel a/11/2 l
71vamosH5(21)0pz purton/13/4 l
85sugar sugarH4Inéditshinn b/11 l 1/4
96thunderstrikeH5(21)3p1p6p8pmoreira j/1tete
104fortune carrierH5(21)7p4p3p4pho c y/1tete
118beauty amigoH7(21)0p9p7p4pchan k h/13 l
127ahead a headH5(21)7p3p0p7pchadwick m/13 l

R6C4plathandicap 51863sha tin (hong kong)1200M113963tin ha shan handicap - sec 212 partantsdépart à 12:45
11magic supremeH60p6p6p8p1pmaia r./101:09
27everyone's victoryH48p2p3p0p7pho c.y./12 l 1/2
38valiant eleganceH55p0p7p1p3pchau c.l./1cte tete
44steel winH41p1p4p0p9pleung k.c./12 l
512young victoryH53p8p9p6pbadel a./13/4 l
63super missionH53p1p7p9p2pteetan k./11 l 1/2
79fortune happinessH76p2p2p0p8pchadwick m./13/4 l
810ingenious fellowH40p0p0pyeung m.l./1cte tete
95joyful geniusH4Inéditpoon m.f./1encolure
102aquilaH69p0p8p8p7pferraris l./15 l 1/2
116happy tangoH62p2p1p4p1pchan k.h./11/2 l
1211almighty pegasusH40p0p0phamelin a./19 l 1/2

R5C4plathandicap 60198happy valley1200M107940sung tak handicap - sec 112 partantsdépart à 12:15
Non-partants : 7
19xponentialH68p0p8p8p8pchau c.l./101:09
210fortune happinessH70p8p9p5p0pmaia r./11 l
34happy profitH42p0p2p0pho c.y./1encolure
43hero starH63p3p1p6p1pleung k.c./1encolure
511happy timeH89p4p4p9p0pborges v./1encolure
66good shotH77p7p6p2p0pbentley h./11 l 1/2
75flying swordH60p4p9p0p7phamelin a./11 l
82daily beautyH69p9p0p0p7pmoreira j./16 l 1/2
912sincere boyH59p0p0p0p0pmo h.t./11/2 l
108master of funH40p0p0p8ppiccone t./1loin
1island shineH63p2p4p9p5pteetan k./1
7aresH52p4p6p7p6pc. schofield/1

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